Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Sleeve Condition: Very Good (VG)
Record veray clean and appears unplayed with no scratches. Cover in shrink with drill hole, no splits. moderate fraying along opening.
Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Pitman pressing denoted by "P" stamps in runouts (may be faint or partial).
Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Records, Inc., a Subsidiary and Licensee of Warner Bros.-Seven Arts, Inc.
Made in U.S.A.
A1. Come On In 3:16
A2. Rose Petals, Incense And A Kitten 2:49
A3. Like Always 3:04
A4. Everything That Touches You 3:17
A5. Toymaker 3:25
B1. Barefoot Gentleman 3:23
B2. Time For Livin' 2:43
B3. Hear In Here 3:13
B4. The Time It Is Today 2:15
B5. The Bus Song 3:27
B6. Birthday Morning 2:25
Barcode and Other Identifiers:
Matrix / Runout S39335
Matrix / Runout S39336
Matrix / Runout o P 39335 RE-1 WS1733 A - 1B
Matrix / Runout o P 39336 RE-1 WS1733 B - 1B
Matrix / Runout P o 39335 WS 1733 A RE-2 -1F I C3
Matrix / Runout o 39336 WS 1733 B RE-2 -1C I P E5
Matrix / Runout o P 39335 WS 1733 A RE-2 -1C 1 B ^
Matrix / Runout o P 39336 WS 1733 RE-2 -1C 1 C 1T
Matrix / Runout o 39335 WS 1733 A RE-2 -1C | P VC
Matrix / Runout P o 39336 WS 1733 RE-2 -1C | XB1 VX11
Mastered At Customatrix
Pressed By Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Pitman
Designed At Windows Unlimited
Record Company Warner Bros.-Seven Arts, Inc.
Data provided by Discogs